Roberta believes that the number one threat facing not just our state, but our entire planet, is the climate change. She believes that we must do all we can to ensure we meet our goal of 50% clean energy by 2030, and 100% clean energy by 2050. It is critical that as a state, we do our part reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.
Roberta will go to work to promote smart growth policies that include more bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and more public transit options for Nevadans.
She supports a fair tax structure that will incentivize a move to electric vehicles while also paying for our roads. Roberta will also work to provide more access to electric vehicle chargers to ensure that we have the framework in place to support a move to higher electric vehicle use.
Roberta is an avid outdoorswoman and wants to protect our precious public lands and natural heritage for her grandchildren and all future generations to enjoy. She loves camping, hiking, and exploring all of the beautiful outdoor places our state has to offer. She has participated in cleanups at Lake Mead and Pittman Wash. She worked with environmental groups to help protect Gold Butte from the Trump administration’s overreach.
Roberta will always fight to protect our state’s environment and ensure that, as a state, we are doing all we can to combat the devastating climate change crisis.